One of the best learning platform available.
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Our Promise

Learning is easier than ever with Users can customize the learning process based on their own needs and level of expertise. Our goal is to make it simple and convenient for users to acquire new skills, wherever they are. In a fast-paced world that’s constantly changing, it’s time for you to take learning into your own hands.

Improve Performance

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice reduces the chances of error in any process and makes us more confident. Practice enhances our self-confidence and helps us to attain higher objectives and goals in our life. It also induces perfection in our task and improves it so that it could compete with others and make us emerge successful in the competitive world. The proverb could also be re-framed as ‘Practice Leads to Perfection’ as the more you practice the more perfect you become.

Go at Your Own Pace

Go project-based

Here we divided each courses into different modules and in each modules there will be multiple sections like Video, Lesson, exam, Assignment. So, it's a kind of 360 degree view. It's almost like looking from beneath, and looking up and being able to see everything - kind of like a planetarium. The asynchronous nature of online classes actually means this is a better potential of creating a project-based culture that mirrors the way you people actually work on projects.

Karmanye vadhika raste, Ma phaleshu kadachana, Ma karma phala he tur bhuh, ma te sangotsva karmanye .


Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anywhere you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did. All our courses are customized & self-directed and have been designed by domain experts, to give you an communal and enhanced learning experience.


One of the major advantages of self-study is that students can take control over their own learning and when students have control, they become even more interested in learning. Our self learning course is available for those who are self learner and interested to learn by themselves.There are many modules and in each module we have lessons, Videos, Exams and assignments.


Half by self and half by instructor. We have live classes by our instructor, provides materials for self learning and also we are available to help whenever you stuck anywhere.


We provides Live class for those who want to study everything by instructor and also providing separate assignment class for all the questions and queries.







DataWare House


ETL Tool




Operating Systems


Our website was founded with one goal in mind: providing people from all walks of life with an affordable, user-friendly learning platform. Our innovative tutorials give you the opportunity to expand your horizons and learn new skills - all from the comfort of your own zone & device. Explore our tutorial class, videos and get in touch if it attracts you.

  • 2010

    Our Humble Beginnings

    Earlier time, we only do classroom classes for very few course.

  • 2015

    An Agency is Born

    Started providing Online classes along with classroom class and increases number of courses.

  • 2018-2020

    A Virtual class opens named as VAANII

    Now we provides so many courses and also have different mode of classes. They are Self learning, Semi-self semi-online class and online class. You can choose according to your comfort-ability.

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For non stop learning whenever you want wherever you are.